译者词汇量(英)(24455 您所在的位置:网站首页 a uncle还是an uncle 译者词汇量(英)(24455


#译者词汇量(英)(24455| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

24455, uncle [ˈʌŋkl](高中词汇3500)n.1) 伯父; 叔父; 舅父; 姑父; 姨父2) [口](对长者的亲切称呼)大叔, 大伯, 老伯3) 支援者; 援助者4) (=my uncle)[俚]开当铺者5) [自称]老子6) [Uncle ](=U-Sam)[口]山姆大叔(美国、美国政府或美国人的绰号)Uncle Benny[美口]当铺(老板)Uncle Dudley[美口](= your uncle)[自称]咱, 老子Uncle Sam's action[美俚]征召入伍Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔(美国女作家斯陀所著长篇小说 Uncle Tom's Cabin 中的主角); [喻]逆来顺受的人Uncle Tomism(黑人的)逆来顺受主义I'm going to my uncle's.我到伯父[叔叔、舅舅]家去; 我到当铺去。He has left his watch with his uncle.他把表押在当铺里了。

24456, uncle- [ˈʌŋkl]

Uncle Whiskers (=Mister Whiskers)(美国俚语)[黑社会用语]联邦政府工作人员(包括特工人员),联邦政府的下层机构Unde Whiskers is on our tail. Let’s blow town.联邦政府的特工在盯我们的梢。咱们出城去吧。Mr.Whiskers is trying to get me to pay tax on those few bucks.联邦政府的税务机构正在千方百计地想叫我为那几块钱的收入缴税。

Uncle Tomahawk(美国俚语)[美国土著用语] [ 贬称他人语,慎用 ] 持白人社会文化准则的美国印第安人

Uncle Sam (=Uncle)(美国俚语)1.联邦政府工作人员,联邦政府的下层机构The cops called in Uncle Sam to help in the investigation.警方请联邦政府的工作人员来帮助调查。Unck has some pretty strong ideas about who’s in charge of this investigation.关于由谁负责这项调查联邦政府有相当明确的想法。2. (=Uncle Sugar)Uncle Sugar (=Uncle Sam)(美国俚语)美国的象征(指美国政府)Uncle Sugar wants a little more of your money this year.美国政府今年要你多付一点钱。Tell Uncle Sam to spend a little less.叫政府少花一点钱。

Uncle nab(美国俚语)警察Uncle nab is coming.Look sharp!警察来了。当心!

Uncle Ned(英国俚语)1.头,脑袋瓜He was so ashamed that he coutd not hold up his Uncle Ned. 他羞得头都抬不起来。2.床He was concealed under the Uncle Ned.他躲在床底下。

unc (美国俚语)叔父,伯父,舅父He’s unc to all little boys who like to play football with him.所有喜欢和他一起踢足球的小男孩都把他当叔叔。

24457, uncle-- [ˈʌŋkl]

1.当铺老板He has left his watch with his uncle.他已经把他的表当给当铺了。

2.(美国俚语)[黑社会用语]收购赃物的人The loot had disappeared and been handled by an uncle.赃物不见了,落到一个收购赃物的人手里去了。

3. (美国俚语)[黑社会和吸毒者用语]联邦缉毒组织的执法人员He’s a federal agent. Rather, he is an uncle.他是一名联邦执法人员,确切地说是一名缉毒警察。

4. (Uncle)(= Uncle Sam)

24458, uncle--- [ˈʌŋkl]习语:

at (one's) uncle's典押在当铺里

come the uncle over sb.利用职权申斥某人; 利用职权惩罚某人

cry [say] uncle[美俚]讨饶; 承认失败

Dutch uncle动辄训人的人, 唠里唠叨训人的人

I'll be a monkey's uncle.[口]真想不到, 居然有这样的事。

my uncle[俚]当铺老板

my [mine] uncle's[俚]当铺; 厕所

talk to sb. like a Dutch uncle严厉训诫(某人)

Welsh uncle堂姑丈; 姑表丈; 父母的亲堂兄弟, 嫡亲表兄弟

your uncle[谑][自称]咱, 我, 老子

cry uncle 或say uncle 【非正式用语】To indicate a willingness to give up a fight or surrender:投降:愿意放弃战斗或投降:Members of the gang held him down until at last he cried uncle.一帮盗贼强按住他直到最后他喊投降

Bob's Your Uncle(Bob是你的叔叔)易如反掌 / 一切如意 / 这就行了 / 就是这么简单Just copy the disk, and Bob’s your uncle!

monkey's uncleI’ll be a monkey’s uncle if you put that over on me!我要是服了你,我就不是人!I’ll be damned. (=I’ll be dipped! I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!)(表示惊奇或决心的感叹语)Well,I’ll be damned!啊.我太惊讶了!






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